Any tips from past travelers on this trip?

I just want to create a post where past travelers of this trip can post tips for future travelers, any tips. For example, tips about packing smart (16 or 17 day trip with only one 45 lbs. luggage allowed!?!?!?), "over the counter" necessities (like maybe some immodium or pepto), how much yuan or dollars to bring, using credit cards, best places to use use the restrooms, ideas of what do to during "on your own" times, restaurants or street foods to try, shopping (souvenirs or otherwise), etc. I know some of these topics might be covered in the tour book, but I haven't received mine yet. So any suggestion is welcomed. For the travelers who just got back from this tour, I would love to hear about one thing you wish you brought with you and one thing you wish you didn't bring. Thanks for all your tips!


  • I haven't been on this trip, but have been to China(in 2009). Do bring that immodium, and avoid eating uncooked fruits or vegetables. I was advised to avoid the street food, and I followed that advice. As for restrooms -- on land, some are "Western" and others are "Chinese," i.e., holes in the floor. Someone advised me to bring my own toilet paper, but to facilitate packing, remove the cardboard tube in the center. It was good advice. In general, you do not flush toilet paper; you discard it in waste baskets. I had no trouble using Amex or Visa cards. In Beijing (and I imagine even more so in Hong Kong), English language was common -- even the subway stations were noted in English as well as Mandarin.
  • Thanks for the tips MCD. Great advice regarding the toilet paper. I've been trying to learn a little Mandarin. Simple phrases like "thank you" and "Hello, my name is..." but its a relief to know that many people in Beijing know some English.

    This tour has a component where you visit homes, would you or others who read this post suggest bringing a little something as a gift or would it be unnecessary?

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