Scandinavia 14 day tour Driver Gratuities

I am booked on the Scandinavia 14 day tour beginning June 5th. I am trying to plan for gratuities for the Tour Director and the Driver(s). I just can't figure out from the itinerary how many days will include a Driver. Does anyone know?


  • You have a driver everyday of the trip. Your main driver has a few days off during the tour (They are not allowed to drive without a day off on a tour of this length) and they get a driver to fill in. You should really give that driver something on those days.
  • Hi Pattiechris,

    Good question! I just checked with a member of our team here in the office, and we have a driver for days 2-13; essentially the entire trip. If there is a change in driver halfway through, or a substitute driver, it would not be inappropriate to adjust the gratuity accordingly. Also, just a reminder -- the appropriate gratuity rate is generally $4 USD per person per day.

    I hope this helps!

  • Thanks so much for the information! I'm really excited about this trip! Less than a month to go...

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