Vietnam, Cambodia & Thailand 11-26 September 2015

My wife and I are taking this trip and would love to correspond with others on the tour. We are actually arriving in Hanoi on Sep 8th, and doing an overnight cruise on Ha Long Bay on the 9th and 10th.


  • We went on this trip in January 2015 and consider it one of the best trips we have ever taken. We also arrived early and took the overnight cruise on Halong Bay. It certainly was one of the highlights of our trip and I'm glad we did it. We returned to Hanoi (from Halong Bay) early afternoon on the day of the Tauck welcome dinner and felt the timing was perfect.
  • Hi, I am Halalu. I plan to visit Ha Long in early September, I found this information Ha Long Vacation . It said that a tour ( 2days - 1 night) cost around 90 – 110 USD / night for 3 star boat, and around 170 – 400 USD / night for 4 or 5 star boat. Is that true?

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