June 20 Venice, Florence and Rome

Dave and I are really excited to arrive in Venice and start our Italy trip. We come with another couple from South Florida and look forward to meeting the rest of the group. We are foodies and love Italian wines.


  • No oe here going on this date?
  • YES! My wife and I will be celebrating our 25th anniversary on this tour. You probably have given up and stopped looking for replies to this thread, but we will be there!

    We won't be able to provide you with the opportunity to meet folks outside of Florida, since we are from St. Petersburg but it is always great to meet new folks regardless!

    Both my wife and I enjoy standup paddleboarding and we are scheduled to arrive a day early to adjust to the time and then hopefully enjoy a paddleboard tour of the Venice canals the morning that our tour begins.

    Looking forward to meeting your gang!

    PS - we are foodies (if that means we enjoy eating!) as well and looking to expand our experience with wine!
  • Does anyone have good ideas for an extra day in Florence and Rome. We have thought of trying to do Pompey on our extra day in Rome. Has anyone done that and know of a good company to use? Thank you.

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