Early arrrival for July 21, 2015

We will be arriving a day early for the Icland: fire and ice tour. We will arrive on July 20, 2015 and would like to see sights in Reykjavik that won't be covered on the tour; any suggestions?


  • When I did this tour, I took the Hop On Hop Off around Reykjavik. I went into the Hallgrimskirja. Tauck took us into this cathedral when the tour began, however it was only to walk around the main floor for a brief time. When I visited it prior to joining Tauck, I was able to go to the top and get fantastic views of the city as well as spend more time looking at this massive building.

    Another place that I found interesting was the Settlement Museum also known as 872 + or - 2. This museum was built around the remains of an original longhouse of Iceland.

    You can also ask anyone where to get the best hot dog and they will direct you to a tiny stand that basically sits in a parking lot near the bus area. We asked more than one person and got the same information. The line is long with both locals and tourists. The hot dog was good but spicy! Another item that was great was an ice cream cone dipped in hot chocolate!

    There were also shopping areas that you could walk around. I choose the locations to get off based on comparing the stops to where Tauck said they were stopping. For example we were having lunch at the Perlan with Tauck so I did not get off to see that stop.

    Just walking around Reykjavik is fascinating. This is one of my favorite Tauck tours. Hope you have a wonderful time.
  • We signed up for a one day tour with Viator - Reykjavik Sightseeing Tour. It was about $86 for the two of us.

    Also, we found a very good rate for Skuggi Hotel on Booking.com (we're going a few days early to see Reykjavik). Much less expensive than going directly with the hotel. I contacted the hotel to make sure they would honor the rate and they assured me they would. I also checked with my travel agent and she said they use booking.com and have not had any problems. About $200/night.

    But we are on the July 6 departure.

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