Best Waterfalls in Ireland

1- Essaranka Waterfall


In County Donegal outside the village of Ardara
The north west of Ireland is the only place that I still did not explore, thus you may geuss that this picture is not taken by me. It will not be long before I disclose the beuty of Sligo and Donegal.

2- Glencar Waterfall


Located 8 miles northern Sligo Town, the romantic looking waterfall is 50 ft high

3-Mohan Waterfall


Located in County Waterford, as per my personal Experience, it is the largest Waterfall in the country.
I discovered it when i was driving to Cork, I saw a sign saying Mohan waterfalls, I thought it must be a tiny one since I have never heard about it. To my surprise, it was huge. It was a nice adventure to clibm up to the top.

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