Tauck-supplied clothing for helihiking

Wondering what sizes are provided for the hiking boots, pants, etc.? Are we better off packing our own? And is it better to bring standard rolling suitcases or duffel bags? Thanks! (leaving on the July 22 trip)


  • Hi Tia,

    The equipment provided for you for the duration of your tour is sized as follows:

    Equipment available at the Bugaboo Lodge:
    · Hiking boots (waterproof) Sizes 4 - 14.5
    · Rain pants (Adult sizes XXS - XXXL)
    · Rain jackets (lightweight) Adult sizes XXS - XXXL
    · Backpacks
    · Hiking poles
    · Water bottles
    · Lunch bags

    The hiking boots come in two models or brands. There is a medium fit, and there is also a slightly narrower fit, which usually works well for women. The rain jackets and rain pants do not come in child sizes.

    I hope this helps!


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