Have some extra time in Budapest?

I will have a bit more than 1 1/2 days before getting on board the Ms Esprit and will do this bus tour to see as much of Budapest as I can during that time.
There is a hop-on-hop off bus in Budapest.
A pass for 48 hours is US$ 27.49 and Cdn $ 34.15
You can book it in advance using this number
from North America 1-866-663-7071
from the UK 0203 355 1240
rest of the world +44 203 355 1240

This is a link for the bus tour:


  • edited June 2015
    If you are spending a few days in Budapest before your cruise then you may find this intersting.
    A 26 minute YouTube video clip of Budapest. Narrated by Rick Steves in English.

    Click here.

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