Have some extra time in Budapest?

I will have a bit more than 1 1/2 days before getting on board the Ms Esprit and will do this bus tour to see as much of Budapest as I can during that time.
There is a hop-on-hop off bus in Budapest.
A pass for 48 hours is US$ 27.49 and Cdn $ 34.15
You can book it in advance using this number
from North America 1-866-663-7071
from the UK 0203 355 1240
rest of the world +44 203 355 1240

This is a link for the bus tour:


  • did you or will you take this hop on hop off? if taken, was it worth the while and cost? did you experience any problems?
    thanks for help in this matter.
  • Last year in August it was an easy walk from our hotel to the Grand Market on a nice pedestrian street. Sorry the name escapes me but it is easily located. The next morning after we prepared our luggage for Tauck to pick them up from our room, we headed in the other direction passing the Budapest Opera House on the way to the House of Terrors. All were in easy walking distance. We did not need the HOHO bus at all. The next day Tauck took us to the sites out of walking range when we went to Fisherman's Bastian and Hero's Square. We fully enjoyed our time in Budapest. It was a great start to a marvelous river cruise!!!!!

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