July 5 Tour Venice, Florence Rome

Hi everyone, we're really looking forward to the trip and meeting you all.

Do any of you have previous experience with Tauck and can you share some tips.

We'll be in Venice a day early.


  • Hi, we did this trip in July 2013 & it was fantastic! It was our 8th Tauck tour & we are still raving about it. If you get Giorgio as your guide you'll be in luck as he was the best tour director we ever had (even though almost all of our other guides were terrific too:) We also came into Venice a day early & spent our extra time doing a few different things. We took a bar crawl the night we arrived, the guide took the group around Venice at dusk stopping at several different spots where we sampled wine & light snacks at each one. It was a lot of fun & a nice way to walk around & get our bearings & relax a bit. We found the info for that in the Rick Steve's guide under the food tour section. The next day we took a boat ride around Venice (it was a hop on/hop off boat but we were so jetlagged we never got off:) Also, one afternoon after the Tauck portion of our sightseeing was finished we got together w/ a few other people on our tour & went over to Murano (the concierge arranged it for us), we browsed the shops & had a really nice lunch before getting our private boat back to the hotel.

    We love Tauck so much we leave on our 9th tour next month (World Cities... Rome) & are already thinking about where we'll go with them next year.

    Enjoy your trip!!
  • Thank you for the information. This is our first Tauck tour and we are grateful for any travel tips.
  • This is also our first Tauck tour. We are really looking forward to the July 5th trip and meeting everyone. Any last minute advice or ideas on the dress code. Looks like the weather will be quite warm. The bar crawl and boat ride sound fun.

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