Terra cotta warriors, Great Wall, and Yantze

Hello some questions for people who were on this tour:
1. Did you get to see the warriors from the VIP platform?
2. How crowded was the part of the Wall Tauck visited?
3. Water quality of the Yantze -- was pollution noticeable?

Thank you for all responses!


  • goodcat wrote:
    Hello some questions for people who were on this tour:
    1. Did you get to see the warriors from the VIP platform?
    2. How crowded was the part of the Wall Tauck visited?
    3. Water quality of the Yantze -- was pollution noticeable?

    Thank you for all responses!

    Did this tour last year (it was great!).

    !. Didn't see any "VIP Platform" at the terra cotta warriors, but there was nobody between us and the warriors.
    2. The section of the wall visited is near Beijing and certainly can have a lot of people depending on day and season. Still easy enough to break free of the dense crowd if you are willing to walk up (and I do mean up) the wall a ways.
    3. Yangtze wasn't smelly, floating stuff all over polluted, but I would chose to swim in it. No after recollection of overt pollution so I don't think you'll be offended.

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