Luggage Carry On vs Day Bag - Danube Reflections Eastbound

Hello,regarding luggage and carry on. We each have hard sided carry-on luggage wheeled. Concern is whether a defined carry-on is considered "a tote/day bag" or 21-22" wheeled carry-on. Here is concern: Day 3 "Castle District / Embark Riverboat" - depart the hotel by mini-coach and later it says depart Prague by motorcoach. OK if I have a wheeled "carry-on" are we expected to literally carry that around on mini-coach or can we check all bags with operators? 3 or even 4 pieces- 2 small carry on wheeled and 2 large bags. ???? We have personal items and medications that we do not check with airlines an plan to check 3 bags with airlines and 1 carry on the plane.

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