Dress code

Ron and I will be on the Grand Australia & New Zealand tour starting November 16, 2015. We live in NM where the dress code is simple: DEMIM. We stepped it up a bit on trips to France & Italy. What should we take for Australia & New Zealand? Should Ron bring a jacket/blazer for evening; should I bring a dress? Are jeans OK for touring during the day? Any other suggestions?

Thanks, Vicki & Ron


  • edited June 2015
    For the most part it is casual. Only times I dressed up a little was the 2 dinners in revolving restaurants and that was a nice pair of pants with a nice shirt. No need to bring a jacket for hubby unless he likes wearing one or in New Zealand wants one cause it is cooler.

    You will have a few opportunities to wash. In Sydney there is a place that is reasonable to drop off laundry and pick up at end of day. In New Zealand there is a few hotels that have a washer/dryer to use. You don't want to over pack cause you need clothes for different climates.

    This is a great trip enjoy.

    Also, day of tour at the Opera house you can get discount tickets for whatever is playing if there are any left. I went and was fantastic to hear the symphony.
  • edited June 2015
    Well, Vicki & Ron, I can speak as an Aussie who has travelled to NM. We don't do denim to the extent you do. For your days on the road go for practical. Since you are travelling in late Spring, the weather could be a bit either or. If it does turn hot ... it certainly will be in the outback ... you might find denim will be too hot and much harder to manage with washing and drying. I'm sure you don't wear heavy duty, cattle working denim in NM's summer! I think you could get aways without a blazer, but if you sartorial style naturally leads to a blazer ... you will fit right in in smart, casual environments. Unless you are actually working on a rural property, you will look rather silly and/or "obvious" dressed as a "hobo" or a "cowboy" in the big city. Neither country requires safari gear! The overall aim is to be comfortable and practical without ... sticking out like a sore thumb. A dress? I'm sure dress slacks and an appropriate top will see you well dressed in most environments. Don't forget the layers ... particularly for the South Island of NZ. You might well need a jacket, but for layering, not as a necessary component in a "dress code".



    Edit: It occurred to me that US readers might not appreciate the level of respect and high regard which we give to our rural industries and workers. They feed us, after all! Mud, dust, pig swill and all.
  • Thanks to crackers54 and jdurkin. With your advice, my plan is coming together:-)

    Also, I appreciate the tip on the Opera house tour.

    Best, Vicki
  • I agree to the thing that for casual wear a simple shirt for guys and top for girls with a pair of jeans or pants does very well. You can source these online.
  • Dress code is applicable in summer only and in he winter everyone need a good and comfortable revenge hoodie or jacket to cover himself as well.

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