Idea on things to do in Scotland

I will be pre and post tour. Looking for what people did with their time. I will be there during the Military Tattoo and all the shows are overwhelming. I will be stay additional 2 nights in Edinburgh.


  • edited June 2015
    We hired a car and driver for the day and went to St. A n d r e w s golf course to just walk the course perimeter and the beach. The driver was a retired Edinburg police officer and was raised in a small fishing village on the coast. He drove back to Edinburg along the cost and stopped in his former village so we could have lunch in his favorite restaurant. The food and people were wonderful. We were only there one extra day. Just a suggestion. You can find those services on line. If you want I could try and find the name of the company we might take awhile.

    Found it... Frank Butler Hope it helps.
  • Oh, great - we are going there next year! Your driver was Mr. Butler, correct? Thank you.
    I see you have many posts. We are going to Portugal and Spain this fall. Did you add any tips for that area? Cheerio~
  • I toured the Royal Yacht Britannia while in Edinburgh. It was quite interesting.
  • Kathy18 wrote:
    I toured the Royal Yacht Britannia while in Edinburgh. It was quite interesting.

    That is on our list of possible if time allows. What else did you do on the trip on your own? Was there a restaurant you went to that you liked? How was the food?
  • crackers54 wrote:
    That is on our list of possible if time allows. What else did you do on the trip on your own? Was there a restaurant you went to that you liked? How was the food?

    I used the Hop On Hop Off to get around the city. I went to the Museum of Scotland where I saw the Millennium Clock, Dolly the sheep and other interesting items. The main hall is amazing itself. We also walked around the park and saw the floral clock. The best meal that we had was on the Britannia. There is a dining room and the soup was excellent and enough to serve as my lunch.

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