October 13, 2015 China Trip

My husband and I are on this trip. We are based in NYC Metropolitan Area. Anyone else going? Also, we plan to do a Jewish Shanghai tour on the half day we have free. I have been in touch with the tour company who provides this for many Tauck groups. Who's interested?


  • Hello Rebecca, We are also on this tour as of today, July 10. Have been on a wait list and are very happy and excited to go to China this year rather than next year. It appears that October can be both cool and warm idepending on location. What type of clothes are you planning to take?
  • Hi Trudi: Lucky You! I never knew that Tauck maintained a wait list. Yes, I'm aware of the varying weather conditions, so I guess I will take layering clothes, and we do have those packable very light down jackets that may come in handy. Where are you from?
  • Rebecca, We currently live in Ponte Vedra, Florida which is in the northeast part of the state. We did live for 20-some years in New York and Connecticut and still miss that part of the USA. We are arriving one day early in Hong Kong to get rested for the tour start, but have not decided what to see and do on Oct. 12. My husband, Nick, is originally from London UK and is very keen to check out the famous Hong Kong tailors. Looking forward to meeting you soon. It's only 9 weeks away now!
  • Trudi: We are arriving a day earlier in Hong Kong as well. We're on the Delta flight out of Seattle that leaves at 3 PM on Sunday, October 11th. We land at 8:25 PM on October 12th, which gives us a full day on October 13th. We're exploring the possibility of a Food Tour for that morning, but not decided yet. We did book a Harbor Night Cruise for the evening of October 14th, when we are on our own for dinner. There is a dinner cruise, but we didn't book that. The hotel we are staying in has a great 2 star Michelin restaurant we may try. Look forward to meeting you as well.

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