Question about train station transfers in Sweden

My wife and I will be taking the Tauck Scandinavia tour starting July 17th. We will be arriving in Stockholm a few days early and taking trains to Karlskrona to visit a relative. The first train will stop in Alvesta and we will have 10 minutes to transfer trains. The second train stops in Emmaboda and we will have another 10 minutes to transfer trains. We will repeat the process returning to Stockholm. Does anyone have experience taking trains in Sweden and if so, is 10 minutes enough time to transfer trains? Any recommendations on getting from one train to another? When we made our reservations online those were the trains proposed so we assume it is easy to transfer trains. A travel agent told us 10 minutes for train transfers will be fine. We would never think of doing anything less than a one hour layover for flights in the US. We will have our suitcases with us so that will make it a little tougher to run from one platform to another. Luckily if we miss a train we can catch the next one which is usually about two hours later.


  • There is a video I used to have of someone traveling by train trying to drag a 50 lb. suitcase up train steps. I caution you to only travel with a 21 inch and try to keep the weight to what is easy to carry up stairs. I always try to do no more than 35 lbs. if I am doing any travel on my own before or after my trips. It expands incase I need extra room for things I buy. I wash what I can out by hand when in a room more than one night.
  • edited July 2015
    Knowing that Scandinavians are so organised, I thought I'd see what I could find! I googled "Alvesta" and found this:

    Yes, they are this organised! I didn't search for the other station, but I'm sure it's there, too. And in English! There is a Q & A formum which you can join for free. I'm sure you will be able to find out more than you ever wanted to know! I've bookmarked it for myself, since I'm off to Sweden next year!

    I hope it will set your mind at rest! I'm sure you already know how helpful Swedes are, so if you run into any difficulties I'm sure you'll find a helping hand.


  • crackers54 and jdurkin, thank you very much for your input. We hadn't thought about needing to climb stairs with our suitcases so we will need to consider that in our mad dash. We will take a look at the the Web sites for the train stations to see if we can plan our path from train to train.
  • jfranson11 wrote:
    crackers54 and jdurkin, thank you very much for your input. We hadn't thought about needing to climb stairs with our suitcases so we will need to consider that in our mad dash. We will take a look at the the Web sites for the train stations to see if we can plan our path from train to train.
    It is more the getting on and off the train.

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