2016 Dates & Hiking Abilities

I know the website says this tour is only available in 2015. We are interested possibly taking it next summer, 2016. Is there enough interest in the tour, that you'll offer next summer? Also the couple we would be traveling with, is a little concerned about the ability needed for the hikes. Can you tell me a little more info on this so the other couple can determine if this tour is a good match for their abilities.


  • My husband an I were on the August 5-12 2015 Bugaboos trip, and I highly recommend it if there are opportunities in 2016. I broke a toe two weeks before the trip, so like your friends, was concerned about my ability to hike. Concerns were unfounded. Because the helicopter did all the "heavy lifting", taking us directly to the most enjoyable, scenic spots, and because each small hiking group was formed to set its own pace, led by an expert guide, I was able to fully enjoy the hiking, 5 or 6 miles a day in small, slow steps, with plenty of time to compose some magnificent photos. Two women in our tour group were in their eighties, thinking maybe they had bitten off more than they could chew, but they also had a great time by choosing a slower paced group and enjoying more time at the lodge and "riding shotgun" in the helicopter.

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