electronic device

I have a Samsung Galaxy tablet which in the user manual says not to use a converter. Has anyone else had any experience using this device while traveling in Australia/New Zealand?


  • edited July 2015
    I think the problem here is terminology. There are converters and there are adaptors. Converters are transformers that convert 220v to 110v. Almost all chargers (all modern ones that I've encountered) are dual voltage. That means you don't need a converter. You can confirm this on your charger (my wife's Galaxy Tab charger says 100-240v on it -- that means it's dual voltage). You will need an adapter (a device that changes the shape of the plug to the local standard). I like the "universal adapters" that have a surge protector built in. You can find these on ebay for a few dollars. Search for "universal travel adapter surge."
  • No need for an voltage adapter. Just plug it in and away you go. That's what we do here! As Ken says you will need an adapter plug to fit your prongs into our power points, outlets or whatever else you call your zzzzzzy providing hole in the wall thingies. Isn't technology wonderful!



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