Feb. 19, 2016

We're thinking of taking this trip. Are there any travelers out there planning the same trip? This would be our 11th Tauck trip but we're a little apprehensive about the 5 internal flights, the late arrival times at some hotels and just general comments regarding this trip. We're planning a few days in Hong Kong at the end of the journey before we embark on a 16 hour journey back to NY.
Thank you.
Barbara & Stan


  • We are on this trip as well. Traveling with a group of 10 others. Can't wait for this experience. We are all from Chicago but one from Dallas.
  • I'm thinking about this tour, too. Though it's a bit last minute. Looks like Jan and Feb are best months weather-wise which is why I'm considering sooner rather than later. I would not be concerned about the internal flights. If traveling this far I'd want to try and experience all the areas possible, and plane is certainly more viable than bus. I've taken two other Tauck tours with 4-5 internal flights and it wasn't a problem. The 10+ person Chicago group sounds like it will be almost half the group. What "general comments" about the tour have you found of concern? I didn't see late arrival times at hotels mentioned anywhere and not sure what the concern is in that regard.
  • We are on this tour, our first Tauck experience. Does anyone know how many are on the Feb 19th tour?

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