florence walking tour

As we have free time in Florence- hopefully to see the Medici Chapel, can anyone tell me at what time we have the walking tour in Florence and what it includes as well as when and where the art lectura is? The description states we visit the Galleria dell's Accademia on the first day we arrive in Florence, and LATER a walking tour, but not at what time it is and how long it is


  • edited July 2015
    If they do same as classic Italy you have half of the day free. The art talk was at hotel, the we walked to the museum for our walking tour. Had the afternoon to go to a lunch, few museums, shop, relax, before we headed to supper.
  • I have a suggestion for the afternoon free. Try and go and climb to the top of Brunelleschi's Duomo. When we arrived there was a little line but not bad. It was the highlight of our trip to Florence. Don't get me wrong we loved seeing "David" and the Galleria dell Accademia, but this was another Tauck exclusive for us. The pictures from the top were fantastic and you get to see the ceiling of the Duomo from a vantage point that is forever memorable. It was a great sunny day and I can understand why Tauck did not include this on the trip, because the stone spiral staircase going up is tight, narrow and steep which could pose a challenge for some travelers.

    Afterwards we toured the ruins of Santa Reparta, which come to life in a crypt below the Duomo. This again is a must see and again you will be glad that you toured it.

    And lastly the Ghilberti's doors that you see on the front of the Duomo are replicas. Make sure you go across the street to the Opera del Duomo Museum to see the actual "Doors of Paradise" displayed behind a large glass enclosure.

    All in all we had to hustle to see these attractions during our free time. But I wasn't going to miss them. They were a once in a life time attraction that I wasn't going to miss.

    Hope this helps. It's a great trip you are going on. You will absolutely love it.

    If I can help as the trip approaches I will try and give any feedback I can.

  • Sorry but I just noticed that you have already gone on this trip. Hope you enjoyed it. I hope my suggestions will help future Tauck travelers.


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