Arriving three days before tour.

We are going on this tour next year and trying to plan ahead, some things to do in Bellagio and around Lake Como that aren't on the tour. We are arriving three days pre tour. Hope someone who has taken this tour recently can give us a few ideas. Especially those who arrived a few days early. Thank you to anyone who can help.


  • Just returned. We took ferry to villa Carlotta across the lake- boat stops right at villa entrance and enjoyed outside gardens, nice little place for lunch or beverage in garden then we took ferry to Varenna where we walked along shore of town and had nice lunch. Lovely covered bridge at Varenna. Our travel friends used Rick Steves book to head us to these areas.These areas will not be on tour of Lake Como. Ate twice at Fontana bellagio pizza bistro in Bellagio for wonderful food and great service!
    This is a fabulous trip and we are ready to return to Italy.
  • Thank you twig for the great ideas. Really appreciate it. Dokey

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