Henry Ford Museum

For folks who might be going on the "Michigan's Lakes & Mackinac Island" tour (I will be on it on 8 August 2015), one of the stops we make is at the Henry Ford Museum. I just saw this interesting article in the Washington Post re a new exhibit that just opened there and thought that I would post it here for those who might be interested. http://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/travel/signs-of-the-times/2015/07/23/82cd2d56-2be7-11e5-a250-42bd812efc09_story.html


  • Thank you for sharing this information about the exhibit, it sounds very interesting. We start our journey on September 12th.
  • Explorer, you mentioned the Washington Post which makes me think you're from the DC area. We are from Leesburg, VA and will also be on the August 8th trip. Going in a day early on the 7th. Are you from this area?
  • LadyTraveler, we are just south of you in Haymarket. Will be interested in hearing from you when you return about the trip and any hints and insights. Enjoy the week.

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