Budapest to Amsterdam Sept 6

Just want to say hi to anyone traveling on Sept 6. We're from Chicago and it's our first river cruise. Any suggestions for daytime wear in September?


  • We were on this cruise last August into September. Last year it was cool here at home in NC and cool in Europe. Many days were in the high 50's or 60's and some in the 70's. I wished I had taken more warm clothing. We bought a wind breaker/rain coat on the boat that worked well and could be easily tied around my waist when the sun came out and made it warmer. I also had a fleece jacket with me. I took a lot of capri length slacks but mostly wore the long slacks I had with me. It is nice to only need to dress once for the day and still be fine for dinner on the boat. Some people had a nice selection of jackets to wear over their tops during the day. The other day here at home I found some cotton 3/4 sleeve tops that I immediately bought for next year's Baltic cruise and for the next river cruise in the planning stage. Layering is indeed the way to plan. This is a wonderful river cruise. Have a great time!!!!!
  • Thanks for the reply. We are watching the weather and it's in the 90's in Budapest this year. Your suggestion of layering helps. We understand it since we are here in the Midwest. And it helps to know we do not have to dress for dinner every night. Packing for the husband is always interesting. Glad you enjoy this cruise. It screamed my name so that's why we are taking it. But, Baltic cruise, I'll have to check that one out. Thanks again for taking time to reply.

    And again, anyone traveling 9/6 Budapest to Amsterdam?
  • Yes, we are on this Sept 6th cruise and first timers, too. Safe travels and happy packing.

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