Israel and Jordan Nov. 2015

Anyone going on either the Nov. 3 or Nov. 10 trip?


  • Yes, my husband and I are going on November 3rd. Quite excited about it!
  • Manjula,
    I am going on the November 3rd trip also. I am traveling solo, so it's nice to meet a fellow traveler in advance!

    It is my second Tauck trip, and I'm very excited about it too.
  • I have switched to November 10. I'm sorry I won't get to meet you, Manjula...but I hope you have a lovely trip!

    Anyone going on the November 10 trip?

  • My daughter and I will be going on the November 3 trip.
  • Fabulous trip! You are in for a great time!!
  • Judy, this is great to hear! Did you take it recently? Any tips?
  • Husband and I going on November 10 trip. Will hopefully arrive one day early in Tel Aviv. Anybody else flying in earlier?
  • Yes, I am arriving in Tel Aviv early, on Nov. 8. Do you have any plans for that first day yet? Feel free to e-mail me at

    I would love to meet up with you guys at the hotel!


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