Treasures of Aegean/Istanbul to Athens May 25, 2016

Deposit is down and now the Wait Begins. This will be one more trip I will be able to cross off my Bucket List of places to see.

Anyone else signed up for this trip?


  • Just missed ya -- I am on the June 8th trip.

    Definitely a bucket list item for me as well -- want to spend an extra day in Athens and get a car to Delphi before returning.

    Going to be a long wait -- have to curb my excitement for a while. :)
  • edited September 2015
    Just put our deposit down for Treasures of the Aegean, Southbound, May 25, 2016
    we're from Louisville, KY.
  • Hello:
    Just signed in for June 1st 2016 Northbound. I convinced a friend to go also. We are both looking forward to it. It will be my 6th Tauck trip. I was wondering if anyone who went on this trip before looked into the Turkish Baths. Looks like we have free time in Bodrum and there are baths there. Sounds like a unique experience. Any one- any comments?
    Thank you

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