Sept 5th - Rome Pre-tour activity

I am on the September 5th tour. Only a few weeks away! I have traveled extensively for both work and pleasure, but this will be my first trip to Italy as well as first organized tour experience. I'm traveling solo and wanted to see several places in Italy. I have traveled solo many times, but have usually stayed in one location when doing so. Since I wanted to see more than just Rome, I thought it would be good to have someone else deal with all the travel arrangements and luggage handling. This tour gave me a nice balance of organized time as well as downtime to do my own thing.

I am traveling from the Raleigh, NC area and arriving a day early (Friday, Sept 4th). On Friday, I plan to relax and recover from my flight and walk around the beautiful city of Rome. On Saturday afternoon, I have booked myself on a small group (max 10 people) Rome Food Tour. The tour is from 12:30-15:30 so no rush to get out in the morning and plenty of time to get back to the hotel prior to meeting the other Tauck folks on the Rome, Amalfi Coast and Capri tour at 6pm for the Welcome Dinner. If anyone else is interested in going on the Food Tour with me here is the link: WalksInsideRome-Food Tour The company has tremendous reviews on TripAdvisor. TripAdvisorReviews and I know someone who did the tour 2 years ago and highly recommended it.

If anyone has been on the Week In...Rome, Amalfi Coast and Capri tour previously and has some advice or tips I would love to hear them. Can't wait to get to Italy and sample all the wonderful food and wine. Looking forward to my first Tauck tour and meeting others!

--- Mary Kathryn


  • kcbkcb
    edited August 2015
    Mary Kathryn,

    My husband and I are also taking this trip, and leaving from Raleigh and arriving a day early. It's our first trip to Italy, and our seventh trip with Tauck, so we think you'll be as pleased as we are to travel with them. We look forward to meeting you. We're most likely on the same flights. My plan, currently, is to do our own walking tour, on Saturday, of some of the things that aren't included in our itinerary. I have looked at the tour company you mentioned and your food tour does look like fun. Enjoy! See you Thursday evening/Friday morning?

    Also a Kathryn

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