
We are considering travelling on the Best of Hawaii tour. We travel however as two families with 5 teens. Is the tour and tour group welcoming? There is no "Bridges" offering and we all would like to see Hawaii.


  • I think the teens would probably enjoy the trip. There are many opportunities for water sports such as snorkeling swimming etc. Teens don't like to get up early and when we had a flight to a different island we had to get up very early. This trip had more free time than others I have been on which is great to swim and explore as you wish. Our T.D. , Minna was terrific and welcomes everyone. It is a wonderful trip learning about the history and culture of Hawaii. Maybe others will weigh in with their opinion.
  • crkays wrote:
    We are considering travelling on the Best of Hawaii tour. We travel however as two families with 5 teens. Is the tour and tour group welcoming? There is no "Bridges" offering and we all would like to see Hawaii.

    I have been on a few tours that had teens. On all of them the teens were welcomed by the rest of the group. This is a great tour and there is free time on each island.
  • I have been on 3 non-bridges tours with teens. They were well behaved kids and seemed to enjoy the tours and not mind that all were decades older. Only you know how your teens will behave on a tour bus. As far as the other guests, they are on vacation and welcome all ages. I have never been on the Hawaii tour, but it might draw a younger group.

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