Day trip from Marbella to Tangier?

It seems possible to do an easy day trip to Tangier from Marbella…anyone have experience with that? If yes, any tips? THANK you!


  • I do not have experience with it but I looked into it seriously before we booked for the September 28, 2016 departure. It seems it just isn't feasible to do in one day and Tauck doesn't want you leaving the group, the country, and especially the continent mid-tour. Guess it affects insurance and other elements.

    Here is our solution in case you are interested. Someone at Tauck suggested to our agent that we could fly to Marrakech ahead of time and then take a flight from Marrakech to Lisbon to start the tour. That's our plan now. And we plan to train to Barcelona at the end of the tour.

    Tommye, St. Louis

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