Icefields Parkway and Bow River Rafting

We are going on the Grand Canadian Rockies Tour next week. Will they provide any special clothing for the ice fields or the rafting trip?


  • No, we went in september. We brought lots of layers. Think shirt, sweater and fleece and windbreaker. you can always take off layers! bring gloves and sun glasses. You will probably get hot chocolate when you arrive back down the mountain! We did! A nice warm surprise!
  • Wow, that brings back memories. We did that trip (now changed substantially) some 17 years ago and what a stunner it was.
    Nothing was provided for the Icefields parkway but we were taken almost all the way in a buggy thing to the top. Certainly layers and a warm jacket. As for the rafting trip we were given wet suits to put on - a great fun experience. You will enjoy.

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