September 28, 2015 Tuscany and Cinque Terre

Anyone have advice about seasonal clothes for this trip? Will Italians still be in warm weather clothes? Can't wait to pack my bags!


  • Hi skoprow,

    I went on "A Week in Rome, Umbria, and Tuscany" a few years ago around the same time of year, and it was still quite warm much of the time I was there. I, personally, tended to wear a mixture of slacks and short-sleeve dress shirts -- so sort of a mixture of warm and cool weather clothes. In general, for daytime activities, we suggest a wardrobe that is adaptable and versatile. Casual, comfortable cotton clothing is recommended. There may be occasional cool weather, so "layered" clothing will be needed. There are both outdoor and indoor activities, so packing versatile and adaptable clothing will help assure your comfort in a variety of conditions.
    For most evenings, resort casual attire is perfectly acceptable. However, you may enjoy dressing up a bit for our welcome and farewell dinners. A sport coat with or without tie for men, and a cocktail dress for women are appropriate, and they may also be suitable for other nights during your journey.
    Also, consider packing a number of garments you can wear in different combinations over four or five days.

    I hope this helps!

  • hi...any recent travellers on this cinque terra, florence, tuscany trip? we are booked for next year..wondering thoughts, ideas on tours, hotels, etc. we've taken the rome, amalfi, capri tour and loved it..sailorguy
  • sailorguy wrote:
    hi...any recent travellers on this cinque terra, florence, tuscany trip? we are booked for next year..wondering thoughts, ideas on tours, hotels, etc. we've taken the rome, amalfi, capri tour and loved it..sailorguy

    Sailorguy, when are you going in 2016?
  • hi...we will be on the October 15 to 22 cinque terra trip..going day earlier and staying extra 2 nights after trip..can't wait to hear about trip from travelers. thanks..happy travels..sailorguy

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