gondola ride

Has anyone done the Venice, Florence, Rome trip lately? What time of day is the gondola ride? Are we through early enough to plan dinner and a concert afterwards??


  • Hi Jane,

    The gondola ride is at 5:30 on day 4 of the trip, which should leave you plenty of time for dinner, and possibly a concert depending on timing. I hope this helps!

  • Thanks, Tim. Don't you mean day 2--we are only there 2 days? Do you have suggestions for scheduling the opera and a restaurant for dinner?
  • What he is saying is day 4 of trip. The day you do venice as you please. When you arrive in Venice the TD will provide suggestions on places to eat.
  • The opera house is amazing ! On same tour in April 2013 we toured opera house on own, self tour. Interesting history & gorgeous interior. We had already scheduled/paid for another concert at different venue. Look for schedule online, you might check classictic.com for the date you need & what might be on. Entire week was superb !
  • Jane,

    I don't know what time your concert is, but dinner at a nice restaurant may be hard to schedule. Restaurants in Italy typically open for dinner around 7pm or later. Meals are several courses and service is leisurely. So your best bet for dinner may be something more informal. Pizza at a cafe or small plates at a wine bar (enoteca), for example. Enjoy.

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