type of adaptor for electrical current

Hello! We are going on the Best of Ireland Sept. 15 tour and are so excited! Wondering for those who have taken this tour, what type of adapter is needed for the outlets there and if the hotels have some for use? Thanks, Pam


  • Hello pammy59

    My wife and I took this tour last year and had a great time. I hope the weather is a good as it was for our trip.

    You need a Type G plug adapter. You can Google it and see what they look like. They are not expensive and are available through Amazon.com or stores like REI, TravelSmith, Target, or any place that has a small travel,accessory section. If you go to Target etc the adapters are often packaged together with other type plugs you do not currently need so ordering online is your best bet. I would not count on the hotels having them although they well might. You still have time to order from Amazon and you may wish to consider purchasing a 3 plug 220 volt power strip as well. Then you can plug multiple devices into 1 plug outlet.

    Happy touring

    Greg Jones

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