Hi Everyone: I'm going on the 21 day trip in March 2016 and need one bit of information from someone that has done this trip. Packing is of concern to me and having a place to do wash other than a hotel room would be convenient. Has anyone any information of which hotels, locations, cities or experiences do a one load of clothes. That will make a big difference when packing for this trip. Thanks!


  • Hi Bob,
    I was on that tour this past March. About a block or so from your hotel in Sydney, on Phillip Lane, is a dry cleaner/laundry.
    They do a bag laundry service that I found was fast and very reasonable. I dropped off a bag of laundry in the morning and it was ready 5-6 hours later.
    The hotel should be able to give you directions.
    The timing is also perfect because you are half way through your wonderful adventure.
  • Thanks so much for the information!
  • There are also self service washers and dryers in the Te'Anu NZ hotel.
  • I took advantage of the laundry in Sydney, was reasonable. And several of the hotels on this trip had laundry in the hotel. Many of the hotels have changed since I took this trip. But, I think there was laundry in Distinction Te Anau Hotel & Villas.
  • We were also able to wash clothes for free at Silky Oaks Lodge on our full day there. Just had to take turns as everyone seemed to have the same idea! We also took advantage of the laundry in Sydney (about $20 for all you can fit in a bag).
  • Thanks for the laundry info, what about the need for electrical adapters for our device rechargers?Voltage Converters. Thanks
  • Thanks for the laundry info, what about the need for electrical adapters for our device rechargers?Voltage Converters. Thanks
    See my answer to your separate question.
  • Thanks for the laundry info, what about the need for electrical adapters for our device rechargers?Voltage Converters. Thanks

    Modern devices do not need converters (ipad, iphone, ipod, etc) You will need and adapter. Most rooms had one in the room to use. I brought the wrong adapter and picked one up in shop behind the hotel in Melbourne. I did not know at the time hotels had one in the room. I would pick one up just incase you need extra one.
  • As crackers 54 advised, most of the chargers that come with your phone, tablet or laptop are most likely suitable for both 110 and 220 current and you'll just need a plug adapter for AU and NZ. However if you'll need a voltage converter, I got this on Amazon and I like I can use one plug and charge all my devices as convenient plugs are often in short supply. It works with both 110 and 220 voltage, so don't forget to bring the American adapter if you want to use it in the US. Also, be advised that this converter will NOT work with high voltage items like hairdryers, but almost every hotel now provides a hairdryer in the room.

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