local currency

Don't have a clue as to how much $$$ I should convert into Euros. Anyone have a ballpark figure? Would it be better to pay the driver and our guide in $$$ or Euros? I would think it would be better to charge meals, souvenirs, etc. but to pay with local currency for small items: drinks, snacks, taxis, etc. Any help would be appreciated! I don't want to bring home a lot of foreign currency.


  • We usually take about $50 in Euros just in case we need some. We use Capital One if at all possible once in Europe and get cash from an ATM once we arrive (generally not at the airport). Since Tauck picks you up, you don't really need a large amount of cash initally. Have fun.
  • Recently in Scotland the driver that Tauck arranged to pick up my friend took her to an ATM before drop-off at hotel. It was great considering the hotel is not near enough to city to get access to ATM. If getting picked up by Tauck for trip I would not convert till you get to hotel and hit ATM.

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