Australia/New Zealand 12/21/15 - 1/9/16

Hello fellow travelers. My husband, Brad and I are looking forward to our upcoming trip to Aus/NZ beginning 12/21/15. If you will be traveling with us, we would love to connect. For anyone who has participated in this tour, I would loved to receive travel tips/recommendations that you would like to share, i.e., clothing, laundry, personal time sight-seeing highlights, etc. Thanks.


  • We were on this trip in January and it was great! Would suggest getting tickets to the Sydney Opera House before you leave. Can buy tickets on their website. There are a number of venues that have performances each evening if you aren't into opera. We saw Tosca and the movie The Godfather. It was shown with the Sydney Symphonic Orchestra playing the score live on stage.

    Our free day in Sydney was spent by taking a local ferry to Manly Beach. Only 30 minutes away. Like a combination of South Beach and the Hampton.Lots of places for having lunch outdoors overlooking the ocean. Beautiful!

    When you spend the day at the Great Barrier Reef suggest taking the optional helicopter ride. It gives you an amazing overview of the reef. You buy the ticket there that day.

    Weather was all over the place. 90's in Australia except for Uluru where it was 110. NZ was cooler but we did have snow in Queenstown (didn't stick in the town, only on the mountains). By the end of the day it was 80. Layers!!

    Only self service laundry in a hotel was in Te'Anu. Place across the street from the Sydney hotel (tour director will give you directions) did laundry by the bag. Drop off in AM, pick up after your tour in the afternoon.

    My email address is if you have any other questions.
  • I am on the Grand Australia and New Zealand tour beginning on Dec. 14th, 2015. Is anybody going on that trip? I am a single female from southern CA and am excited to take this vacation.

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