Puglia April 2016

Interested in hearing about trips to Puglia in April, dress, temperature, etc. Any tips would be appreciated


  • Hello Margraves,

    April is a wonderful time to visit Puglia the weather ranges from the mid 60s during the day and mid 40s at night.

    We suggest that you dress for comfort and convenience with a wardrobe that is flexible and allows for layering. Casual, cotton clothing is recommended. A light sweater or jacket will provide warmth on a chilly early morning walk or a late night stroll; however, generally you will only need to dress for warm and delightful weather – and the occasional shower.

    For dining in Puglia, it is generally customary to dress a little more casual. Slacks or a dress for women and a jacket for men are acceptable dining attire but not required. It is advisable to avoid wearing jeans, sneakers or shorts for dinner. It is suggested that you dress a little more formal for the welcome and farewell receptions.

    All catholic churches in Italy require that your knees and shoulders be covered when you enter. Shorts and tank tops are not allowed.

    Tauck's Puglia Journey: http://www.tauck.com/tours/europe-tours/italy-tours/trip-to-puglia-italy-pw-2016.aspx

    Please let us know if you have any additional questions or concerns.

    Hope this helps,

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