immunizations for Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand for Jan. 2016 trip

The CDC recommends Typhoid and Hepatitis A for these countries, although no vaccinations are required. Have others traveling on this itinerary had these immunizations? Any others? Any suggestions from persons who have been on this trip in the last few years?


  • I spent a couple years in those places and took malaria pills every day. You might want to check that out.
  • ssk,

    I am going 10/07. I got shots for Hep A & Typhoid.

    Also, I have pills for diarrhea and malaria.

    I am not sure I will use the malaria long as you stay in the resort and major city areas you should be okay w/o malaria pills ???

  • We have Kaiser who has an excellent travel clinic. You give them your itinerary (for Southeast Asia they wanted to know exactly where we would be...I suspect the Tonie Sap Lake trip [do they still go there?] , that took us out of the tourist zone, was a riskier place) , and they set up the recommended shots and medications necessary for the trip (and, you can also take a zip drive of your entire medical history in case you might need that on your trip). We got all of the recommended shots for this trip (hep A, typhoid, etc.) as well as medication they prescribed for stomach distress (Cipro). Why not be proactive? I caught something in Saigon (perhaps crawling through those tunnels with the dank air had an effect) and was so glad I had a prescribed medication (which, BTW, took the full three days to take effect). When we went to Africa, we also had the recommended shots for there...Hep B, Yellow Fever and faithfully took the Malaria pills. The malaria medication was not recommended for Southeast Asia.
  • Thank you for your responses. We are up to date on Hep A and will take typhoid before the trip, as well as a prescription for Cipro in case.
    Any advice for touring in Hanoi from travelers who have been on this trip. We will arrive a couple of days before the Tauck itinerary begins.
  • edited September 2015
    We took a two-night three-day tour of Halong Bay that turned out to be one of the highlights of our trip. We arranged it ourselves and took the junk Jasmine on the Heritage Line ( formerly the Ginger Cruise Line). We felt that Halong Bay deserves more than a day trip and were so glad we opted for the longer trip. On the second day those staying off load to a smaller boat (while those on the one night have a cooking lesson and return to the pier) and travel to a smaller part of the bay in Cat Ba Park. It was beautiful and we got to kayak and bike to a small fishing village. There were only 6 of us on this small boat and we had our own guide and personal chef. As I recall, we got a deluxe room and the whole thing cost about $1000 including private car and driver from and to Hanoi. We had a snafu with our flights (totally our fault) and had to change plans at the last minute. I cannot speak highly enough about the rep worked with us to make sure we made this trip. She had the driver meet us at the airport for our new arrival time, and in spite of a 3 hour trip to Halong Bay and a missed sailing time, there was a launch waiting to meet us and take us to the waiting junk. They had a lovely lunch ready for us when we arrived! Let's face it, they already had our money and were not obligated to make special accommodations for us. I cannot say enough about the service we received and the entire experience!

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