October 26th trip?

Is anyone scheduled for the trip that starts October 26 in Melbourne? We are getting organized for this adventure. We have traveled a number of times with Tauck and they do a great job. Also, we get to Melbourne on the morning of 10/25. Any thoughts on things to do prior to the start of the tour? We recognize that we will be jetlagged since we fly out of Chicago. See you Down Under.
Pat & Jon Carlson


  • My husband, Bill, and I will be on the October 26th tour. We fly out of Boston and arrive in Melbourne on 10/25. We think a city wide tour on the tram is a good way to start off depending on how tired we are feeling.
    This is our first Tauck tour and expect that this will be a fantastic trip. See you there.
    Linda Sorge
  • We started our great travel experience with a couple of hours stroll through the Immigration Museum which is quite close to the Langham. We then did the Tram and it was well worth it. Spent the rest of day just cruising and getting on and off. Relaxing and a great introduction to a delightful city.

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