Attire for Ireland in July??

Me and my husband are booked on the best of Ireland tour July 16, 2016 and are super excited, I have read all about the four seasons in one day in Ireland. My main question is foot attire some people recommend boots, or rain boots like hunters others say tennis shoes?? Has anyone done this tour in the summer and have any suggestions on appropriate attire clothes and shoes? Thanks in advance for any help!



  • Hi Melissa,
    I did this tour late August into September last year, but we had summer like weather.

    I took a low rise hiking boot (purchased at Sports Authority) that worked well with the uneven pathways, provided ankle support and were fairly light weight and waterproof. If you purchase new boots, make sure you break them in before you leave. I also had a pair of tennis/walking shoes for less strenuous walking.

    It was warmer than I expected it to be while we were there (low 70's), but having layers worked well. I took short sleeved t-shirts to layer under light weight sweaters, a wind breaker if it was cooler, and a sleeveless quilted vest. The vest didn't get worn too often, mostly early mornings.

    None of the dinners required really dressy attire, but it was nice to dress up a little after a day of sightseeing. It is a wonderful trip, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

  • Thank you so much! We are really excited about the trip it seems like you really cover alot of ground and thats good to know I will look into some low boots and light weight sweaters. If you don't mind I was wondering was there alot of time on the bus or did you feel like you got to walk around a good majority?
  • No problem Melissa.
    As you mentioned, you cover a lot of ground so there is going to be time on the bus, some days more than others. But, they are very good about stopping for photo ops and to stretch your legs. I was so captivated by the scenery though that it didn't bother me. We would stop about every two hours or so on the long days if I remember correctly. The bus was very comfortable.

    Looking at the boots, I think they call them mid-rise. Mine came just above the ankle. I also tracked the weather before I left on The site can look out to the future to show averages, or look back to see what happened previously and helped me decide what to pack.
  • Thank you for the question and info. See you in Ireland on this trip Melissa!!

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