Iceland Cruise starting July 6, 2016

My wife and I are signed up for the Iceland cruise starting July 6. Anyone from southern California going on that cruise?

Would you like to meet up before hand?


  • We're going early so that we can spend some time in Reykjavik. We signed up for a one day tour with Viator - Reykjavik Sightseeing Tour. It was about $86 for the two of us.

    Also, we found a very good rate for Skuggi Hotel on Much less expensive than going directly with the hotel. I contacted the hotel to make sure they would honor the rate and they assured me they would. I also checked with my travel agent and she said they use and have not had any problems. About $200/night.
  • What companies did you use for cruise ? I want a little feedback about your firms, because now i am looking for arctic cruise and i've got a discount in But i can't find a lot of information about this tour operator, don't want to loose my money.

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