Cat 6 cabin vs. Cat 7 suite

My wife and I are considering this trip for 2017. Before we reserve a cabin, has anyone who has taken this cruise on the Inspiration ship offer their thoughts on whether or not it is worth the extra dollars to book a Cat 7 suite over a Cat 6 cabin. Thanks in advance.


  • My wife and I are considering this trip for 2017. Before we reserve a cabin, has anyone who has taken this cruise on the Inspiration ship offer their thoughts on whether or not it is worth the extra dollars to book a Cat 7 suite over a Cat 6 cabin. Thanks in advance.

    We recently travelled on the twin, the MS Savor. Our companions were in a cat 7, we were in a cat 3 because we were wait listed and that is what we got. That being said, we looked at our friends cat 7, and it is very nice, and large. But in our view, the coolest cabins on the ship are the cat 3 loft cabins. If you need a walk in closet, go for the big one, but the cat 3 stateroom is bigger than the cat 6. The loft room with it's immense window, which opens, is really nice. No walk in closet, but we had adequate storage for our things. I will always book a cat 3 on these ships if it is available. Ironically, we got it off the wait list, but I talked to a number of people who said that they wanted to book one, but could not get it.
  • My husband and I traveled on the MS Inspire in September of 2014. Our category 6 cabin was beautiful! It was the last one available in that category. Though it was located near the stairs in the diagram, it was only used by the crew, and we never saw anyone use them. It was located on the deck just above the water level. Spacious accommodations for our needs. Nicer and larger than category 5 rooms we viewed with an extra floor- to-ceiling window area. We were extremely happy with the room. They are much nicer than standard ocean cruiseship accommodations. Tauck thought of everything. Beautiful bathroom and shower, and extra room under the bed to store your suitcases instead of in the closets.
  • For me, the absolute best thing ... apart from everyone else's thoughtful points ... is that room service breakfast is included in Category 7. It might not offer all the inclusions of the buffet spread in the restaurant, but for me it was more than just fine. I'm not a morning person and a quiet, serene breakfast in my cabin was heaven and a wonderful way to start a busy day.



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