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We 're booked on May 11, 2016 Southbound from Istanbul to Athens. What is the typical age range for guests on this trip?


  • I just took this trip in September and the average age was kind of split between 60's and 70's with a few in their early 80's. I have found this to be pretty typical on all the trips I have been on.
  • Seeing more and more of people in their 50's and even some in 40's on these trips. When I took my 1st many years ago I was the only one in the 40's. It is a mixture and I have never let age determine who I get to know and hang out with. But, majority are in their 60's and 70's.
  • I'm booked on this trip in June of 2016 and I'm a young 54 if that makes you feel better... :)
  • My husband and I are also booked on the May 11 trip--to celebrate my 65th birthday.

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