Istanbbul to Athens

We are thinking about a small ship cruise. We loved the River Boat cruises. Is it a smooth ride? Is there entertainment on the ship in the evening? Just comparing any differences.


  • edited December 2015
    We did this trip in 2008. Very smooth, but conditions may vary with the weather. Expect a little more motion than on the river cruise. There is some evening entertainment (folk dancers, etc.). There is also a smal casino, if that's what you're into.

    Be aware that less than a third of the passengers are with Tauck. The rest book with Windstar and pay for their shore excursions ala carte. The good news is that Tauck always gets to go ashore first, so you don't waste time disembarking. The small ships are the way to go, just don't expect all the facilities of a large ship. Generally, you are only on board at night for dinner and sleep. There is one cruising day, so bring a book or some DVDs to pass the time that day.

    Highly recommended trip.
  • Thanks Ken from Las Vegas. Excellent advice.

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