Antarctica Jan 16 2016

My wife ( Corrie ) and I ( Carmen) will be on the Antarctic excursion Jan 16 - 28 on L'Austral arriving at the Hilton on the 16th. Looking forward to an exciting trip and meeting as many as possible. Cheers


  • edited December 2015
    My husband and I, Dick and Kathy, are arriving on the 15th for the Jan. 16th excursion. Anyone else arriving a day ahead? We are almost packed and can't wait for our adventure and meeting some great people. Happy New Year
  • Phil and Carol will be joining the Antarctic trip on January Jan. 16-28. Arriving on Jan. 16 and looking forward to meeting our fellow travelers! See you in Buenos Aires!!
  • Laurie and Meghan are on the Antarctica trip on January 16-28. We are arriving on January 14. Phil and Carol - Dick and Kathy, we'll keep an eye out for you. I don't know what we'll be doing on Friday and Saturday morning before the tour starts, but maybe we can do something together.
  • We would love to hook up with you. We arrive on the 15th rather early. We look forward to meeting you. We probably won't be able to get into our room, will be ready to wonder around as long as we have the energy. Can't wait. Dick and Kathy
  • Dick/Kathy - Sounds good. If we're able to leave a message for you at the front desk, we will. But we may not be able to prior to your check-in. Laurie and Meghan

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