July 17, 2016 trip

Hello, just wanted to know if any of the other families going on this trip have children in the 9 - 12 age group Our grandchildren will be 9 (girl) and almost 12 (boy) when we do this trip. We are a family of 7 - grandparents (2), parents (2), uncle (1) and children.

Looking forward to this fun adventure.



  • Hi there; we too are grandparents going on this adventure. We will have a 10 yr old granddaughter on her first overseas trip, but also 15 and 17 yr old boy and girl who did a Tauck trip to Zambia, Botswana and SA summer before last with us. Great travelers, can't wait to do it with them again. We are depending on them to guide the younger one in prep for a future trip with her sister (age 6 right now). We are starting our trip with 3 nights in London at their request to see a number of interesting places. Still undecided about flying to Zurich or by train thru Paris. We will see you there!!
  • Hey! So glad to see a couple posts for this trip! We are bringing our two boys, 13 and 16. They had so much fun on the Costa Rica trip with a great pack of kids of all ages. Anyone else arriving a day early? Where is everyone else coming from? We're in Connecticut.
  • edited February 2016
    We are arriving from WA, KS, and NC. Will arrive a day early in Zurich. We seem to have two login names; we are Trout in earlier post.
  • Sounds like there will be a lot of kids! We are a family of 6, including 1 grandparent, 2 parents and 3 kids aged 8 (girl), 13 (boy) and 16 (boy). Really looking forward to it!
  • Getting so excited! Trying to get the kids to go to bed and get up early so the time change isn't so bad. Wondering if the schedule on the trip will have us getting up early. Love cranky teenagers in the morning!

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