Optional Balloon flight

We were on the Grand Australia/New Zealand tour and had a fabulous time. The only part I had a problem with was the optional Balloon flight during our stay at the Silky Oaks Lodge (which is fabulous by the way). The brochure should mention that it iis a 30 minute flight and that we will be put down in a field while the others who were on an hour flight continue their ride. We had to leave at 4 am for a 1 1/2 hr ride to the balloon, 1/2 flight and then another 1 1/2 hr back to the hotel. We were back im time for breakfast! I've been on balloon rides before and probably would not have spent the $229 per person for such a short flight. The Silky Oaks Loge is too beautiful to waste the morning on the balloon. Other than that one thing, the rest of the tour is fantastic!!!


  • edited December 2015
    On my trip a few years ago mine was cancelled do to weather, but only after doing the long drive. I did do the optional helicopter ride that was offered in New Zealand to a glacier. It was amazing. It is not in any brochure, was just told about it on our way to the Milford Sound.

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