June 21 Rhine River Family Cruise

My husband and I will be taking our 13 yr old daughter with us on this cruise. We are wondering if there are any other young teenagers on board with us. We would love to hear from you.



  • We will be traveling with our 14 year old son - Hopefully there will be several young people on the boat.
  • So looking forward to this river cruise. This will be our family's third Tauck adventure, the second river cruise. If it's anything like the last one we did with Tauck, it's going to be spectacular!

    We are a family of 6, with kids ages 11 (boy), 15, (girl), 17 (girl) and boy (19).

    To all on this forum, looking forward to meeting you and experiencing this adventure together!
  • I checked with Tauck and there are 49 kids on this cruise. 26 are boys, 23 are girls.

    This is our first Tauck Adventure and we are excited.

    We live in North Carolina. Anyone else coming from this area?

    We plan to arrive in Basel on the Sunday before the cruise to adjust to the time difference and take in the sights around Basel.

  • We're so excited for this trip! Traveling with our 15 year old daughter and 13 year old son - they'll be thrilled to know that there are similarly aged kids on board. This is our first Tauck trip and our first river cruise experience, but we did the Adventures by Disney trip through Italy last summer, and having other kids around made all the difference in the world!

    From the Philly area, and we'll be spending a couple of extra days on either end in Switzerland and Amsterdam.
  • This will be our first river cruise and we are traveling with our twin 16 year old girls. We are from the Orlando area. We are arriving a day ahead and staying at the Basel Hotel. Does anybody want to meet up with us the night before (6/20) for dinner? Looks like a great mix of kids for the trip.
  • We are grandparents from Boston traveling with our daughter, son-in-law, and 2 grandsons (13 &15).
    We have traveled with Tauck but this is our first Bridges tour and we look forward to making family memories.
  • We are grandparents bringing two granddaughters on the June 22 trip south beginning in Amsterdam. Arriving a day early. Granddaughters are 16 and 18.....from the Seattle area.
    I haven't checked with Tauck about how many kids and age range. Very excited about this trip!

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