China, the Yangtze River and Hong Kong Eastbound May 5, 2016

We have four travelers who are interested in taking the Jewish Shanghai Tour with Dvir Bar-Gal. Friends who took his tour highly recommended him. We are looking for other travelers from the Tauck tour that begins on May 5, 2016 in Beijing to join us on the Jewish Shanghai tour on May 17, 2016 (day 13 of the Tauck tour). Other guests on the Tauck forum, going at other times, suggested doing this tour instead of the morning Tauck tour that day. The tour begins at 9:30 am at a hotel, which is about a five minute walk along the Bund from the Waldorf Astoria. The cost is about $68 per person with a group of eight. Please let me know if you are interested in joining our group of four and how many there are in your group.


  • Hello Karen. First time posting/responding, so not sure exactly how this works. We are four also on same tour and would be interested in joining up with you on Jewish Shanghai Tour. I have a couple of questions, and don't know if your response comes back on post or directly to my e-mail. Would prefer by e-mail at

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