Need help from those who have done Great Ocean Road trip

My apologies for posting this question - I had tacked it on to another person's post - and haven't really gotten answer. I'm looking for information on the Great Ocean Road trip from anyone who has done it after arrival in Melbourne.

My schedule:

Day 1: arrive Melbourne Airport at 10:00 a.m. - proceed to hotel - do a walkabout of city, depending on how we feel.

Day 2: Free - want to do Great Ocean Road trip using one of the tour companies that do that tour

Day 3: Tauck reception p.m. (The GOR tour won't get us back in time for the reception)

My question: Is it possible for me to book a trip with a tour company for the GOR trip on Day 1 - the day before I want to do the tour? I ask because it seems most of the tour companies seem to encourage advance booking. For a number of reasons I don't want to book before I arrive in Melbourne.

Thanks for any first-hand input - crackers54???


  • My best advice is to contact the concierge of your hotel as soon as possible. They will have the best contacts, which given your query, you seem to need. The have wide experience over a number of tour operators. That has to be useful!


  • edited January 2016
    Wallaroo wrote:
    My apologies for posting this question - I had tacked it on to another person's post - and haven't really gotten answer. I'm looking for information on the Great Ocean Road trip from anyone who has done it after arrival in Melbourne.

    My schedule:

    Day 1: arrive Melbourne Airport at 10:00 a.m. - proceed to hotel - do a walkabout of city, depending on how we feel.

    Day 2: Free - want to do Great Ocean Road trip using one of the tour companies that do that tour. There are many companies
    Day 3: Tauck reception p.m. (The GOR tour won't get us back in time for the reception)

    My question: Is it possible for me to book a trip with a tour company for the GOR trip on Day 1 - the day before I want to do the tour? I ask because it seems most of the tour companies seem to encourage advance booking. For a number of reasons I don't want to book before I arrive in Melbourne.

    Thanks for any first-hand input - crackers54???

    I did this trip and had the same amount of time you did.

    Day 1 I took the free trolley ride to see what there was to do. --

    Day 2 Great Ocean Road. This is early morning pick up and about 12+ hour day. Was well worth is, but took the helicopter ride and thought it was a waste (at least with my pilot). Took most of the time at the stop to see the apostles. I used Go West Tours and was very pleased

    Day 3 explored--went to museum, the jail tour and the immigration museum (this was worth the time)

    I had fun every morning taking long walk every morning along the water and through park area behind hotel. Took me awhile to start sleeping to wake up time so really enjoyed the walk including the GOR. Another member of tour took the GOR with me (we did not know each other prior to tour was coincidence) and we did not find it a problem. I don't have trouble sleeping when in new time zone on travels. 1st night I force myself to stay up their time till at least 9:30 the 1st night to get sleeping normal.

    My free day in Sydney went to Manly, some went to zoo. I stumbled on a tenement museum that is open to public was worth a stop if you have time. Some did the bridge walk and really liked it.
  • edited January 2016
    Thanks Crackers -

    When did you book the tour with Go West Tours? - the day before the tour?

    On my free day in Sydney, I'm off to the Blue Mountains
  • My sister and I are arriving early in Melbourne and want to do the Great Ocean Drive. I am also interested in how others may have booked,the tour. Did Tauck help do that or did you reach out to the Consiere at the hotel.

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