Paradors of Northern Spain/Portugal Sept 2, 2016

I am reaching out to any solo travelers on this trip interested in communicating with another solo traveler. I arrive September 1 and would like to possibly meet to tour the day before/of the departure. Also, I added an additional day in Lisbon to continue to tour this city and museums.


  • Hello.
    I'm not going on this tour, I did it 3 years ago.. but I do visit Barcelona often. If by any chance you do not connect with any other solo, I can give you some ideas .
    2 blocks up from the hotel @ a square you can hop on the Red bus line, it will take you to all the sights not cover by Tauck. @ the Park Guell , be aware there is an entrance fee and you "do" have to setup appt. to visit( this started 2 years ago.)

    Casa Batllo is one of the bus last stops is only 5 blocks from the hotel, you pay @ entrance. I would suggest The Palau de la musica (the music Palace ) is amazing within a walking distance from hotel, if by taxi about 7 euros. 5 min. . it does offer tours.úsica+catalana&FORM=HDRSC2

    The Picasso Museum is like 4 blocks down from the hotel next to La Rambla which is a long pedestrian boulevard very fun. La Boqueria ( fresh product market) fun and safe to eat anything there .. the is a coffee shop .. the barista Juanito is a candy. lovely 80year old, interesting character. boqueria barcelona&qs=IM&form=QBIR&pq=la boqueria &sc=8-12&sp=1&sk=

    The Cathedral within walking distance from the hotel.
    If you take the hop on hop off bus it will take you around the Marina and up the hill the is a fort, Pueblo Espanol. inside you'll see tons of little shops representing different areas of Spain, is nice also need to pay a fee to get in.
    Tauck will take you around The Gothic Quarter, so your good.

    Barcelona is a very friendly city, 95% of people speaks English and directions are in both languages.
    Have lots of Fun!!

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